Welcome, Queens and Kings to another blog in the series. Today's focus will be particularly on taking care of your mental faculty. There is no one size fits all in all of these tips you have to try, assess & identify which fits you best. In addition, practising self-awareness will help you to create a system, which produces your best self (check my previous blog post with a worksheet to help with building self-awareness). Take the time to learn about your self, your strengths, your shortcomings- plan to maximize your strengths and offset your shortcomings. This is what most successful people do, they aren't magical beings or geniuses whose traits are out of your reach, they just better themselves with each passing day. You can do that too.

1. Set a work-life balance.
This can be implemented by setting a time period for work and a period for relaxation. We've also spoken about separating your work area from areas where you relax and catch up.
2. Make Rest and self-care a priority.
It is suggested that we sleep at a regular time each day. This improves your brain, your circadian rhythm (the part of your body that regulates your sleep & wake cycle daily). Your body will know when to the most productive and when to relent when you have a designated time to sleep and be awoken. Do at least one intentional activity for the benefit of easing stress and making yourself happy. This could be taking a nap(10 -25 minutes), going for a work, journaling using a journal from Do Good Paper (lol I'm such a marketer), whatever will relax you. On the other side of this activity will be a rejuvenated and more focused version of you.
3. Start your day with wins
You could do any activity that won't take long but is important to you and accomplishing it will make you elated. On the flip side, you can choose to do the hardest task you need to complete, doing this can propel you to do the easier tasks, with no need for extra motivation.
4. Focus on one thing at a time
How many times have you decided to start on a project and then within 5 minutes into the activity you simply stretch over for your phone to go on social media or you start daydreaming or admiring something outside? For me, this has happened countless times. This disorganizing your mind impedes or obstructs your progress on the activity. Setting a period to work on an activity, eliminate possibilities for distractions and offer the task unadulterated attention. You will be amazed at the progress being made. I can for sure tell you. This is where Pomodoro and such techniques can also come in handy.
5. Interjecting physical activities into your day
You could do morning stretches, mid-day workouts or evening walks/ runs. Recently I started doing 7-minute workouts, suggested by an IG friend, I do this during breaks between tasks.
6. Set realistic goals & prioritise only the important things daily.
First brainstorm all the activities you are thinking of doing, write them down then go over each one and eliminate the least important or urgent ones. Eliminate based on the impact the activity will have on your life. Rate the importance on a scale of 1- 10. Take into consideration the amount of time these activities will need to be completed. Often items individuals tend to underestimate the time tasks required, understanding this will help you to plan better, space out time and accomplish more, in addition to making yourself feel better. Review and replan regularly, I do a weekly reset to help me plan efficiently. A blog post about my weekly reset will be coming soon.
7. Plan your meals
What you eat makes you and certainly affects the efficiency of your mental health. If you just eat well you feel like you will often eat unhealthy meals and meals that are easy but not necessarily nutritious. Deciding on what to eat during different times in your day is good. Even better is prepping the ingredients beforehand, so all you have to do is take a little time to cook your meals. Best of all but my least favourite is cooking, serving and storing your meals for each period all at once.
Here are other resources which I am sure will be of very much benefit to you.
Here is a checklist to help your plan your days and scheduling: https://courses.edx.org/assets/courseware/v1/2d1d160f932b82f127e53d3ece088520/asset-v1:edX+edx201+1T2020+type@asset+block/Checklist_for_Managing_Self-Care.pdf
Never stop curating your best life.
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