Yamful Extraordinaire is a soothing online space that promises to uplift your life with written pieces. Michelle Obama said that we all have stories to tell; this blog is a chance for me to share my story. This is either by retelling a life experience or by sharing a thought from which I hope you can draw out a moral that can be beneficial to your life.
It is my mission in life to spread love and peace in any way I can. I feel the most fulfilled when I improve an individual’s life even in the smallest way possible. This is what I plan to do with this blog. I hope you can join me in the journey of life as I sift through the joys and struggles to identify worthwhile lessons that will ultimately upgrade our lives.
If you are not where you want to be mentally, emotionally and spiritually, there has to be a conscious decision to make the change and act upon that decision. Yamful Extraordinaire is here to guide you towards having a clear mind and healthy being. It is time for you to activate your potential, build for your future and fully enjoy your present time on earth.
No, I am not perfect, I’m not some expert on life. I am simply a young lady with a mature mind that is able to detect a problem and most times provide a suitable solution. A girl who overthinks, creates probable and improbable scenarios in her head, someone who’s joyful and driven to make the world a better place. I am a girl who has made mistakes and will make some more but has a wealth of knowledge and absorbs the lessons form every experience she encounters.
I am flawed, as some of you may or may not feel; however, I have decided to take charge of my life and make the best of all that I am blessed with. Through Yamful Extraordinaire I hope to help you do the same. This will be a space for me to offload my thoughts on life experiences, engage in photography, my culture, my faith and hopefully help you curate your best life. I hope you embark on this journey with me. I Love You. Thanks for stopping by.
**Dawn has commenced- light is here**